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In my opinion forgiveness is a two-part spectrum because you have to forgive yourself as part of your inner healing, letting go and work at forgiving others which might be very difficult. In my book “Matters of the heart” I explored the state of the wounds in our hearts and how they affect the way we show up in our daily lives. Therefore, I state my opinion again and say forgiveness is a matter of the heart because that is where all our wounds and hurts are.

God does not seek perfection because only He is only perfect, he seeks that we give Him our hearts so that he can turn them into hearts of flesh.

Most of us must have a checkered past, where we did things, we now regret. We have lived with that in our hearts and wondering what would the Lord think about my past. I was one of those people who wondered if God really loved a person with my past. We live in the world where everything and everyone should be perfect but we have all fall short of that mark at one time or the other.

The more I wanted to make my life perfect, the more I made the mistakes in striving for that perfect outlook. God does not seek perfection because only He is only perfect, he seeks that we give Him our hearts so that he can turn them into hearts of flesh. Most of us are hard hearted, judgmental and unforgiving. We have a difficult time forgiving ourselves, what more giving that forgiveness to someone who we believe has done us wrong.

There is a lesson in every encounter we have, whether we have been hurt or we have hurt others. God is out looking for broken vessels he can put back together, mend and release as stronger children of light who are put together with love for God’s purposes. Therefore, be kind to yourself because you are loved by the creator no matter where you have been and what you have done. One of the best ways to show yourself kindness is to embrace the practice of self-forgiveness.

As previously mentioned, everyone has moments of regret, but you should not hold yourself to your mistakes for the rest of your life. Life is for living and living happens in the now, while yesterday has taught us some lessons we cannot keep looking back at her, we should embrace the now and start looking ahead for that is how life is supposed to be enjoyed.

We are created to live and live to the full. When you were knitted in the dark and you are gifted to your parents as a child, you came as pure spirit and when bad things happen to you, or when you make bad decisions, your inner self does not change. You remain you and you just need to go back to the creator and state that you missed the mark. When you are forgiven by the father then forgive yourself. I know that it is sometimes difficult when people around you remind you of your past.

You should know that while a mistake may have been made, it does not define you nor your future. So, you can be free, and stop harbouring guilt, shame, and other negative feelings towards yourself that are preventing you from being able to move forward in your life.