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You are your result at life

When you look at how you turn out you should never ask yourself what happened. Family can support you but you chose to live the way you want. Your life is in your hands, the statement I once wrote was talking about not blaming anyone for the outcomes of your life. That is the good thing about the Grace of God; you have the liberty to be you. However, when you decide to be you do not forget that your life is in your hands and no one should manage your business for you. Naturally a lot of us want to be experts in other people’s business. You should have done this, you should do this and you should not have done that, this list goes on. Usually for me, it is all me, me with us, we are all self-centred, nothing is good unless there is something in it for me. So, it is critical that you choose carefully the type of friends you surround yourself with.

Edmund Lee said
“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers but most of all; surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you even when you don’t see it yourself”. says,
‘Don’t expect to see POSITIVE changes in your life if you surround yourself with NEGATIVE people. To be successful surround yourself with positive and successful people.

Helder Machado on his blog talks about surrounding yourself in good company. So why don’t you look around yourself to see what sort of company you are keeping. There are people who drain your positive energy as Helder says. However, I say there are people, friends, mates or family who drain you spiritually, physically, emotionally or even financially.

Someone once said pick your friends as you would pick your oranges. Obviously, you cannot pick a rotten orange to eat. This is of vital use in self-empowerment, leadership, in people with potential, successful people, in leadership courses and even in financial empowerment. That is the reason why you find that when someone who was once a close acquaintance gets rich, they move into different circles because mentality would have changed. Choose mates wisely because if you are miserable, you are obviously in wrong company. Misery loves company.

People that are around you are a direct reflection of you. They influence you immensely on your attitude and your actions. The company you keep can push you to any altitude because positive people encourage you and motivate you to reach higher levels.

Next time you ask yourself why things are not moving in your life look around you and see who is surrounding you. Some people like me have been looking for earthly solutions to our problems and since I have met friends who have been teaching me to have faith in God, I have a different perspective of my life.

Like Paul said I have learnt to be grateful for what I have and not dwell on what I didn’t have. I hope this message gets someone thinking. I have prayer warriors who have been with me throughout this year as it has been extremely challenging. God told me that next year is going to be the best year I have had. I thank God for what he has done in my life so far and I thank the Lord for the lives of those people who surround me.