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Love, a heart in Fear

We appear to talk about love when we get to valentine and when there is a wedding but love should be an everyday thing. I have always said, love is not love until you give it away. What does it even mean to give away the love? Giving away love means you decide to accept the next person for who they are.

It does not matter that they are different from you, they do things in a funny way or something. The fact that they are person means they are worth to receive love. Love is a matter of the heart. The heart is the seat of life, the wellsprings of life stem from the heart. The heart is the display of the inner man or the spirit man.

Phil Collins did sing love is a game of give and take, true indeed. One cannot keep on giving without reciprocation but we need to be aware that while you might be giving to some particular person, reciprocation might come from another place totally different. My thoughts on love are that it is never one sided. Love is a great place of freedom; it should not be suffocating.

Loving someone is not isolating them because isolating them will bring fear into them as they become removed from an environment, they strive in. We might mistakenly identify that as love when it is isolating and demanding that your whole world should revolved around them.
There are so many other areas we could describe love as not. When one demands that a partner explain every expense with fine tooth comb, leaving no room of choice and monitoring the salary to the point of bringing anxiety on a partner that is definitely not love. Love is not controlling, neither does it stop you seeing your friends.

Yes, when you love someone, you want to be with them all the time. However, there are times when they need someone to cry with who isn’t your partner, wife or husband. Love would accept that freedom because that is a selfless thing to do. It displays your love for them.

Letting them be themselves is the best way to show that love.

Minimising who they are doesn’t mean that you become or feel better in yourself. Love is a gift when one is free to express themselves and a curse when there’s no freedom to contribute to your experience and emotional livelihood. Don’t believe you are loved when you are totally cut out from interacting with family, friends and associates. Talk to someone if something doesn’t feel right. You can only give what you have in your heart.

The bible says, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”, what comes out of our mouth is what will be on our heart. Therefore, love is a matter of the heart and who can know that heart except God. I believe love is a person and His name is Jesus Christ. He became the sin, the death so that we can have the freedom of choice. We should know that the choice to love is choosing Jesus Christ.

God gave us His only begotten son so that he should come to walk the earth and then be hung on the cross so that mankind can be served. God gave as a sign of his love so I continue my own song, love is not love until you give it away.